Welcome, this website links you to the various Military Christian Organisations and Chaplaincies which support and encourage those who serve within our British Armed Forces, and their families.
Click on the links to reach their individual websites.
Royal Navy Chaplaincy
Naval Chaplaincy offers a wide variety of ministry that includes operational appointments at sea, in Capital Ships, Escorts and Submarines; with the Fleet Air Arm and with the Royal Marines. Chaplains also serve in the Military Hospital Units, in Naval Bases and in Training and Shore Establishments.
Royal Army Chaplains' Department
Army Chaplains provide spiritual leadership, moral guidance and pastoral support to all soldiers and their families, irrespective of religion or belief, in order to meet their needs, nurture and develop them.
Royal Air Force Chaplaincy
The RAF Chaplaincy Web Site gives you the opportunity to meet chaplains at work and play, to discover their very human nature and their very high aspirations for the spiritual and moral well-being of Service personnel and their families.

Defence Christian Network
The DCN is a unified, multi-denominational Christian Network for both military personnel and MOD Civil Servants. Its mission is ‘To connect, support and inspire Christians across Defence, make a Christian contribution to D&I and support the MOD’s engagement objectives by reaching out to Christians in wider society.’ The DCN exists to support Christians from a wide range of backgrounds and has adopted the Nicene Creed as an ancient and inclusive Basis of Belief. The vision of the DCN is ‘A visible, unified, quad-service Christian community, growing together in faith, providing a positive Christian presence in the MOD and making a valued contribution towards Defence engagement.’
Armed Forces' Christian Union
The purpose of the AFCU is the extension of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ in and through the Armed Forces. We are a dynamic and outward looking prayer union, discipling a growing membership, upholding Biblical principles in the AFs. We support our members through prayer, literature, activities and by personal visits.
Catholic Military Association (CMA)
We will support you as a Roman Catholic on exercise and deployment, knowing that keeping the faith in this environment is one of the hardest challenges facing a soldier.
Soldiers’ & Aviators’ Scripture Readers Association (SASRA)
Scripture Readers are veterans that seek to introduce soldiers and aviators to a practical experience of the Christian faith and provide spiritual, wellbeing and welfare support, to them and their families too.v

Christian Military Support Organisations
Naval & Military Bible Society
Naval & Military Bible Society mission is to supply Bibles and Christian resources to the uniformed services, seafarers and associated organisations.
Alpha For Forces
Alpha for Forces has been run on military bases throughout the UK, on operational deployments and on-board ship. Courses can be run by the Chaplaincy or by servicemen and women of all ranks. Increasingly Alpha for Forces is running within the armed forces of other countries around the world.
The Cornelius Trust
The Cornelius Trust is aimed at developing the Christian faith of (primarily but not exclusively) serving members of the UK Armed Forces and their dependents by providing grants to enable them to attend Christian holidays and conferences.

International Organisations
Association of Military Christian Fellowships
AMCF is a group of international military Christians who desire to be men and women of faith like the Roman officer Jesus commended in Matthew chapter eight. Our goal is to serve Christ and share Him with others while also serving our countries our nations' armed forces.
Military Ministries International
Working to see Military Christian Fellowships and Chaplaincies established throughout the armed forces of countries in Africa, Europe, South Asia and the Middle East.
Flame International
Flame International is a UK based charity that takes teams of volunteers into war-torn and suffering communities with God’s love and compassion for the broken. Flame International adds to the valuable work of traditional aid and relief agencies by bringing healing of the emotional and spiritual damage caused by bloodshed, conflict, poverty and oppression.

Christian Military Welfare Organisations
Miss Daniels' Soldiers' Homes (MDSH)
Now part of SASRA, MDSH is one of the oldest Military Christian organisations still operating. The Jackson Club at Gibraltar Barracks, Minley, Surrey provides welfare and Christian fellowship.
Church of England Soldiers', Sailors' and Airmen's Housing Association
CESSA Housing Association has 206 flats in the Portsmouth/Gosport area for letting on assured tenancies to former military personnel and their spouses, partners, widows or widowers who are over 60 years of age. Parents and children of service personnel of the same age are also accepted, as are former Reserve Forces and MOD civilian employees.
Aggie Weston's is here to help serving sailors, marines and their families. Aggies have people at bases around the country who can offer one to one support and also provide social opportunities and activities where friendships may be formed.